*Exact session offerings may change slightly as we approach the events.
Being Creative with Your Carnegie Learning Resources
Charting Your Course: Navigating Personalized Instruction with Data!
ClearMath Elementary: Creating Problems Solvers and Not Just Problem Doers
Collaborate to Elevate: Crafting Engaging Classroom Experiences Together
Collaboration Beyond the Jump: Sustaining Our Momentum
Collaboration From the Jump
Creating a Culture of Vulnerability
Cultivating Engagement: Utilizing MATHia Reports to Drive Student Success
Decoding Our Students' Messy Boards: Making Connections Across Standards from Grade 6 to Algebra 2
Dis Course is about Discourse: Using Carnegie Learning Resources to Engage Multilingual Learners in Math Discourse
Don't Drop the Yogurt: The Balancing Act of Instructional Leadership and Management
Energize and Empower: Decoding Student Engagement and Motivation
Exploring MATHia's Potential: A Station-Based Approach to Mathematical Success
Facilitating Language Learning in the Classroom
Finding Your Why for Coaching: Coaching, Collaborating, and Consulting
Fine Tuning Your Coaching Skills
Fostering Success: Strategic Stations for Differentiation
Fraction Fiesta: Exploring Fraction Concepts and Representations
From PD to Practice: How Administrators Can Help Teacher Learning Stick
Get an A for Play with MATHia Adventure
Guiding Teachers to Success: Harnessing Your Leadership Style to Build Supportive Environments
Hands-On Algebra: Conceptualizing Expressions, Equations, and Polynomials
Humanizing Mathematics
It's All on the Line: The Power of Open Number Lines
Keep It, Change It, Rearrange It: Differentiated Tasks That Work for All Learners
Keeping Up is Better than Catching up: Re-engagement Lessons
Launch a Love for MATHia: Planning, Celebrations, and Strategies for Student Engagement
Let Me Hear It! Experience a ClearMath Elementary Classroom Firsthand!
Live Learning: A Front-Row Experience with Lessons in Action
Math Beyond Words: Cultivating Participation for Multilingual Learners
Math in Play: Skills Practice in the Elementary Classroom
MATHstream Unleashed: Supporting Student Success Through Adaptive Learning
Mixing It Up!: How Differentiation Sparks Success for Every Learner!
Move Your Body, Grow Your Brain
Notice and Wonder: Supporting Student Problem Solving and Discussion
Pattern Blocks...To Fractions and Beyond!
Play Together. Think Together. Learn Together: ClearMath Elementary
Productive Struggle is Real and We're Here For It!
Promoting Discourse Through Number Talks
Proportions Unleashed
Small but Mighty Groups
Step Up for Success: Scaffolding Strategies That Work!
Stop "Drill and Kill", Start Opening Tasks
Stop "Keep Change Flip", Start Metacognition
Stop Avoiding Manipulatives, Start Visualizing Concepts
Stop Just Letter Grading, Start Measuring Growth
Stop Mimicking, Start Thinking
Strategic Leadership: Elevating Teaching Through Data Analysis
Supporting Multilingual Learners Across Content Areas
Task Exploration: Elevating Student Learning Experiences and Outcomes
Teaching Towards Equity
The Arc of Assessment Within a Carnegie Learning Lesson
The Carnegie Learning AI Story
The Collecting Data Phase of the Coaching Cycle
The Many Faces of Expressions and Equations
The Planning Phase of the Coaching Cycle
The Proof is in the Construction
The Reflecting Phase of the Coaching Cycle
Thinking Outside the Blocks: Exploring Place Value Concepts
Turning Pain Points into Progress: Action Planning for a Strong School Year Ahead
Unified Lesson Design Part 1: Laying the Foundation
Unified Lesson Design Part 2: From Laying the Foundation to Planning the Lesson
Unlocking the 6 Problem Types: Exploring the Carnegie Learning Resources to Foster Student Learning
Unlocking Understanding: Exploring Effective Learning Assessment Strategies
Using Proficiency Level Descriptors to Support Multilingual Learners
Visualizing Rates of Change and Function Graphs using Concrete Models