*Exact session offerings may change slightly as we approach the events.
¡Vamos a leer! Supporting our Heritage Learners with Literacy
At the Core: ACTFL's Guiding Principles
Blending Form and Function: Grammar Instruction that Works
Build It Better: Strategies for Structuring the World Language Classroom for Success
ClearTalk in Action: Strategies for Effective Classroom Integration
Designing Communicative Tasks for Every Level
Don't Drop the Yogurt: The Balancing Act of Instructional Leadership and Management
Dos caminos, una meta: Differentiation for Heritage Learners
En camino hacia la competencia sociocultural: Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices
Exploring AI in Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Finding Your Why for Coaching: Coaching, Collaborating, and Consulting
Fine Tuning Your Coaching Skills
Going for 90: How to Maximize Target Language Use
Guiding Teachers to Success: Harnessing Your Leadership Style to Build Supportive Environments
Harnessing AI in Education: Practical Tools and Strategies
How’d I Do?: Giving Purposeful Feedback to Students to Support their Language Learning
IPAs: Assessing for What Students Actually Can Do with the Language
Keeping it Real: Teaching with Authentic Texts
Leveraging Carnegie Learning with EdTech Tools to Enhance WL Engagement and Outcomes
Okay, But What Can They Do?: Contextualizing Proficiency-Based Instruction
Paving Pathways to Proficiency: Empowering Students through Goal Setting and Self-Assessment in the World Language Classroom
Planning with the End in Mind: Backward Planning to Support Language Learners
Practical Strategies for Using Comprehensible Input with Carnegie Learning
Quizzes, Games, Exit Tickets, Oh My!: Utilizing Formative Assessment for Student Learning
Setting the Stage for Student Talk: How to Foster a Communicative Classroom Environment
The Collecting Data Phase of the Coaching Cycle
The Planning Phase of the Coaching Cycle
The Reflecting Phase of the Coaching Cycle
Turning Pain Points into Progress: Action Planning for a Strong School Year Ahead
Unlocking Understanding: Comprehensible Input through Reading
World Language Champion: Inspiring Programmatic Change through the Seal of Biliteracy